Monday, July 20

Posted by Unknown

July 06, 2015 meeting Reflection

What I liked most:

            July 06, 2015 meeting was supposed to be a presentation of technopreneurship Ideas for the upcoming Ideaspace. We had our ideas printed, unfortunately we haven’t prepared any powerpoint presentation so our facilitator decided to give us a lecture all about technopreneurship. And that was awesome, cause if we had really proceeded with the presentation we will all going to be screwed because we haven’t prepared any presentation as we didn’t know we have to have one. So, that’s why I liked it so much that we didn’t have to present and instead we will be having a lecture. Well, I am very much glad and happy it went out that way. I really liked the topic. The discussion was very helpful to us in terms of having a full understanding on what is technopreneurship is all about. Then the facilitator prepared the presentation for the lecture. I am guessing he was really expecting that it would turn out that way. He was very prepared for his presentation. So then, he proceeded with the powerpoint presentation, the first slide consisted of 6 pictures. In that slide we have seen pictures of a jobless person, a person with ugly face and people who does actions against the government. The one with the ugly girl with her black and dirty teeth exposed,

Wednesday, July 15

Posted by Unknown

After watching the movie “3 IDIOTS”, your reflections of the 3 characters, which one would you choose?

The movie was indeed very inspiring, especially for us college students who are struggling in our studies. The movie that I've watched is the best example of a movie that exerts motivation to every student who is striving hard to reach their goals in life and even though I watched it many times I am still not tired of watching every single scene of the movie. The film has the right mixture of laughter, drama, and lectures in life or shall I call it enlightenment of thoughts, a very great movie indeed because most of us could really relate what the movie is trying to portray it is simply because we commonly experience it in our daily lives it is so practical and yet very unpredictable. The movie brought many realizations to me, very simple situations, happenings, or even things in life that I myself couldn’t explain well. The movie shook me meanings that every person can relate to the actual activities that we are doing every day that we couldn’t even think of in the first place, because of the simplicity of those things we often forget its true meaning. The movie “3 Idiots” enlightened me on some really simple but so much inspiring thoughts in life, it taught me about passion and how to be strong and courageous to achieve your goals in life. The quote “Pursue excellence and success will follow”, really arouse my motivation in struggling the roads in life, this really motivated me to do more and more so that I could achieve my goals.  We are all after for success in life, to achieve what we dreamed to become in the future. The movie “3 Idiots” I guess is the best example for life’s success – for motivation. Life is unfair, isn’t it? Challenges, trials, obstacles are all synonymous

Monday, July 13

Posted by Unknown

July 4 meeting

July 4 meeting, we scheduled to meet at 8 am. I was excited, it was already my second time taking up the class as I failed the first one. I was excited because I already had an idea what was going to happen. I woke up early, because I knew already, being late is a sin. I got to the school 10 minutes early. My classmates were nervous they have been told that they will be doing the elevator pitch after the lecture. As usual, our facilitator Randy S. Gamboa arrived very early. But before we had our class discussion and lecture our facilitator had some exciting activities for us. This activity is aimed to let us follow simple instructions. Our facilitator told us to prepare a one whole sheet of yellow paper and a black ball-point pen, luckily, I always brought a bond of yellow paper and a ball-point pen that whenever I have his class. This is where the fun start now, our facilitator then says that those unlucky students who do not have a whole sheet of yellow paper should stand up. I had noticed that some of

Sunday, July 12

Posted by Unknown

After watching the movie "Pirates of the Silicon Valley",

1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?

Steve Jobs is one of the most successful people or shall we say one of the most successful technopreneur in the world, a businessman, a designer and an innovator. He is best known as co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc., the biggest publicly traded company in the world and also the largest technology company in the world. Steve Jobs was widely recognized as the pioneer of the personal computer revolution and earned its legacy from his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics field. The success of Steve was a great piece of history that is incomparable. Like all successful stories of great and successful individuals in their particular field of success there lie all the hardships, struggles and tests in life.

Monday, July 6

Posted by Unknown

Dado Banatao's short video life story Reflection

The short video about the life of a very inspiring Filipino, Dato Banatao (Diosdado Banatao) is really inspiring and amazing. The courage and determination he showed was incredible. He proved to us that anything is possible as long as you put all you got in it. He really did inspired me to work hard and to not to get frustrated. He set new heights in achieving goals. He is a true inspiration, an amazing one. He should be a role model to all of use Filipinos, especially those who are struggling in life. He should be our inspiration to work hard, and to never let poverty be the hindrance to our success. Because in the first place he showed to us on that video that poverty, your status in life will not hinder you from achieving your goals as long as you do not give up. He wanted to be an engineer, he wanted to be a successful engineer and he got it. His life story is a definition of courage and brilliance. He proved to us that talent is nothing if you don’t persevere. He is the personification of Thomas Edison’s quote, “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” According to him he wasn’t that special at all. He was not that intelligent like the other guys at Stanford so he had to study twice as much. He showed us that focus is the key to obtaining your goals. Getting success was never really easy for him. But that was his passion, he loved every bit of it and he enjoyed every second of it.

Posted by Unknown

My 10 Rules of Success

    1.)  Know Yourself
        Knowing yourself first is very important, before you can effectively identify your goal you must first acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses. For you to be able to perform your plans for your goals you must be able to identify what you are capable is of and what’s not. With this you will be able to set your goals perfectly according to your abilities. You can do more and achieve more if you know your strengths as you can maximize its utility. Also, it is very important to know your weaknesses so that you’ll know where and how to improve.

  2.)   Believe in yourself
     Never ever doubt what you can achieve. Believe that you can achieve your goals. Believing in oneself is creating will, the desire. The desire to be successful is believing nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. If you want it, you will get it.

3.)   Don't let the limitation of others limit you
      Accept negative comments or thoughts. You can never please everybody. But more importantly do not allow others to define who you are, do not let them define what you can do or set limitations as what you can do or achieve. You are the captain of yourself. The only limitation you can have is your limitation of how much you can dream.

4)     Identify what your passion is
     Knowing your passion is one of the primary step before setting your goals and your plans. You cannot achieve your goals if you are not doing what you are passionate of. Doing something you are passionate about motivates you to do more than 100% of your effort. You can achieve maximum efficiency and focus if you are passionate on what you are doing as you feel happy when you are doing something you are passionate about.

 5.)   Never settle for less when you can do more
     The most problem I noticed to some people is that they stop achieving and striving more if they got to the level wherein they are already comfortable of what they have achieved so far. You see this is the often mistake people do. When they get comfortable on their success, they stop. They have limited their selves of doing more and doing more amazing things just because they have already attain a level of success they are comfortable with.

6.)   Never to be frustrated by failures
     Nobody’s perfect and so everything’s not going to work out well all the time. There will always be ups and downs in life. The important thing is you should be prepare for what’s to come whether it be failure or success. You should learn to accept failures and learn from those failures to be stronger and smarter the next time. Failing something doesn’t mean it’s the end of you already. Anything’s possible as long as you set these failures to challenges you have yet to overcome, then you can be wiser.

7.)    Anything is possible
     Nothing is impossible, you can set any goals you want, and sky is the limit. But again, everything is possible, you should prepare yourself for the worst as well. Though the good thing about it is that still, anything is possible. You might fail the first, second time or couple of times but there’s still a possibility you will get successful. Having this in mind is setting yourself the positivity you need in your struggles for your success.

8.)      Be the devil’s advocate
   Whenever you plan, or something’s up, always argue with yourself. Though you keep a positive mind on you should still be the devil’s advocate. In this way you can prepare yourself for worst case scenarios and formulate beforehand contingency plans for the risks or issues that may come. Having a negative mind is not really that bad after all. This is one way of predicting out comes and preparing for what’s possibly worse to come.

 9.)      Focus is the key
    When you set goals, you should be passionate and focused about it. When you are focused, you can set all your time, effort, energy, dedication etc. to it.  In this way, not only you are maximizing your capabilities but also you are maximizing your success rate.

 10.)   Network with people

    At the end of the day it is not really always all about the money, but the relationship you had with people. Having good relationship with people can greatly help you in your success. Also, you can do more and get to your goals faster if you accept or ask some assistance from your friends, or the network of people you had. 

Posted by Unknown

Reflection 1 (Khaleej Times clip) A mother, Daughter and a pineapple

The 3 minute video I saw was very inspiring and heart-warming as it was based on a true story. The mother was very caring and loving, she really knew how to nurture and train her child for the struggles of life. She really did inspired her child to do more and achieve more. She taught the child what she knew, imparting her knowledge to her child rather than just providing her what she needs. Instead the mother taught her child how to do it rather than doing it for her daughter. Trying to raise her daughter the best she could do by teaching her daughter to question everything and to never give up is so amazing. The mother didn’t go to school that’s why she can only teach her what she do, which is peeling and selling fruits. But the amazing thing is that she taught her daughter the things she knew by showing her how to do it and by letting her daughter experience it first hand and explore. The mother was a fruit vendor. It was a really small business selling freshly cut pineapples in a cart. Her way of making her daughter learn is absolutely brilliant as for me. For me, it is a lot better and quicker to learn if you are hands on, experiencing it directly on how to do it properly rather than just by looking and memorizing what you saw. In this way of learning, you can be more innovative rather than just learning by looking.