Monday, July 6

Posted by Unknown

Reflection 1 (Khaleej Times clip) A mother, Daughter and a pineapple

The 3 minute video I saw was very inspiring and heart-warming as it was based on a true story. The mother was very caring and loving, she really knew how to nurture and train her child for the struggles of life. She really did inspired her child to do more and achieve more. She taught the child what she knew, imparting her knowledge to her child rather than just providing her what she needs. Instead the mother taught her child how to do it rather than doing it for her daughter. Trying to raise her daughter the best she could do by teaching her daughter to question everything and to never give up is so amazing. The mother didn’t go to school that’s why she can only teach her what she do, which is peeling and selling fruits. But the amazing thing is that she taught her daughter the things she knew by showing her how to do it and by letting her daughter experience it first hand and explore. The mother was a fruit vendor. It was a really small business selling freshly cut pineapples in a cart. Her way of making her daughter learn is absolutely brilliant as for me. For me, it is a lot better and quicker to learn if you are hands on, experiencing it directly on how to do it properly rather than just by looking and memorizing what you saw. In this way of learning, you can be more innovative rather than just learning by looking.
Because for me, learning stuffs just by looking is like memorizing things, you didn’t really understand what you are doing but you know what it is. Learning by experiencing it by hand is like making a good feel of it. You are not moving because you know what to do and what’s next, learning through experience is like learning something to be part of your life. As for me, learning things this way can really make you question more, develop more and innovate more. It’s like you are moving through your instincts if you learn stuffs through experience and not through instructions alone. Through this way of teaching, her daughter was able to learn how to cut pineapples, and all the processes on how to do it right. She made her daughter learn through experience. However, one day she saw how her daughter envy the kids who were eating popsicles. Having little income from her business she wasn’t able to buy her daughter what she wanted. She knew her daughter also wanted some ice cream but they don’t have much money so she cannot buy one for her. But because of her mother’s love she formulated a brilliant idea that could make her daughter smile. She made a pineapple ice cream just by peeling the fruit and slicing it to look like the ice cream her daughter’s peers are eating, she then put it into the ice cold box then gave it to her daughter the other day. The daughter loved it, and gave them an idea why not sell it? They sold their usual fruit products and their innovative pineapple ice cream until her daughter finished her bachelor’s degree in 2013. In a short span of time the director was able to inspire me and show me a very good story in just 3 minutes. I am really impressed with this video and the people who made this video clip possible. I can really relate and reflect to the story as I also came from a broken family. It was only me and my father as my mother left us. I can really relate how the mother is teaching her daughter how to do things on her own by teaching it through experience. That is exactly what my father did. My father is self-employed, we are not rich. But my father knew lots of things to be able to earn money. I am really proud and amazed of my father. Like in the story my father also taught me how to do things on my own through experience, like carpentry, agriculture, selling goods, etc. I can agree about the message of the story that learning through experience is really the best. Learning through experience opens up greater possibilities, bringing more ideas. Experiencing something first hand is a really good of learning things and developing new ideas. Because of her mother’s innovativeness, her daughter also opened up her mind for new and greater ideas. Her mother was inspired to make something that can let her daughter experience like eating ice cream even if they cannot afford it. Innovating their pineapple product to something new, slicing it up into something that would look like an ice cream and putting a stick into it, and then putting it in a box full of ice equals, yummy home-made ice cream for her daughter. When the child woke up, her mother gave her the tasty iced-pineapple, her own version of a tasty ice cream. Her daughter enjoyed it very much as it tasted really great, and that it feels as if she’s really eating an ice cream like her peers have been eating. She enjoys eating the iced pineapple because it was delicious, and because of this the kid came up with an idea, why not try selling it? It could be a hit as it really tasted good. The mother agreed with her daughter as it was really a good idea and it could possibly bring their products and income to the next level.
So, she let her daughter sell the pineapple popsicles or pineapple ice cream on a stick, not really sure what it is called, but then she was not able to sell even a single pineapple popsicles. Feeling frustrated and at loss he went back to her mother asking why is that nobody’s buying her product. Her mother just smiled, encouraged and motivated her daughter. She told her daughter to go to the market where she observed the area and the happenings. With this she was able to analyse what’s lacking on her products, her questions were answered, and she began to formulate some more ideas and improvements for her to be able to get sales. She began to understand that to be able to sell a product you have to be clear about it. The details like, the name, price and somehow a short description explaining what the product is all about. After learning about these things she got back on her feet and resumed her business. Soon after that her pineapple popsicles were bought and liked by the locals which had helped them both in the future. Because of that idea her daughter was able to finish a college degree and made her very proud. Through that simple problem, of her not being able to eat popsicles, her mother was able to provide a solution. Even though she had not expected it, what she did was very brilliant. It was a simple innovation of fresh fruit turned into a fruit popsicles. Random ideas can be very useful we will never know what it might bring if we decided to venture onto business thinking that people will find your product interesting. This goes to show that even the tiniest innovation can make a big difference. However, if it not for her daughter’s suggestion, idea and liking to the pineapple popsicles they wouldn’t have thought of selling it. Because of that idea they were able to sell a new product which became popular to the locals. Having a business mind and faith in the product they were selling was a good trait. If don’t believe that your product will be sold then don’t bother selling anything at all. You are also saying that you don’t believe in yourself since you were the one who thought of the product and since you don’t believe people will buy it then you are not confident with yourself and capabilities. Having positive traits and trust with what you can do even when others don’t is one of the things that you will find in other great and successful people. With the help of her mother’s advice and the attitude of the child, the child was able to understand how effectively sell her products. Because the daughter started questioning things like what seems to be the problem? Why aren’t they buying? Why people don’t care about what I am offering? How can I improve? And with her mother’s amazing way of making her daughter learn, the child was able to learn the things she needed to be able to attain her goal which is to sell her products. It’s amazing when people don’t give up and are still giving things a second chance. That just shows that she thinks that their product is viable. In business, or rather generally speaking, in life you have to have a will, courage. The will to fight and to never give up to challenges is a very important attitude in life. And a very important factor in business. If people easily surrenders, then there’s no hope. A businessman who surrenders easily to challenges will never really be successful, instead he or she will only be wasting time, money, effort and good opportunities. This goes to show that if at first you don’t succeed try again, if you can’t succeed the second time there’s always a third time and just keep the fire burning. If you lose hope easily, loss and competition will eat your dreams which will hinder your plans for success. The child in the story has a very open mind. Because she tried observing in the market, she began finding answers for her questions about her business, her products. She really did a great at helping her mother earn money for their daily needs. Her mother was very lucky and blessed because of her smart and business-minded daughter. I really admire the little girl because of the way she thinks and the she learns different things. She was really enjoying learning and obviously she also really enjoys life. It started with just a small idea but then this small idea grows and make them sell more and more products and earn more and more money. Her mother was very proud of her because she helped her and made her smile by just doing this small things. Every one of us really wanted to be happy and have a successful life, and this is also a sign that we are really enjoying life. The little girl really enjoy her life with just this small productive things like their product, the frozen pineapple on stick. This things does not only makes her earn money and a great help to her mother but also gives her inspirations and joy in her heart. Even if she was still in a very young age, she was already helping her mother earning money while enjoying her business at the same time. And thus I conclude that having an open mind leads to an innovative mind. Having an open mind is very important, accepting new ideas, whether it may be negative or positive, you should be able to accept it. Having an open mind is a way of improving one’s self and with this you can learn more and improve your knowledge and wisdom. I am amazed with the child in the story, as for at a very young age, she has very good character traits. The mother was really successful on nurturing her daughter and for raising her daughter to be a great person. At a very young age, the child was able to learn the things her mother was doing and more importantly, the child has the traits, attitude and entrepreneur should have. After she started learning her mother’s craft, she started learning on her own, by observing, keeping an open mind and questioning everything. Because she did question a lot of things, she was able to attain objectives, objectives that she met when she observed the market place. And by learning through her observations, she had improved a lot. Learning and understanding from your own mistake will make you see things differently because you already know how to get pass through it if you ever face the same problems. But always remember that it’s not bad to make mistakes, the bad things is not learning from your previous mistakes. Every successful person in the planet made a grave mistake one way or another but the second time around they were able to outsmart it. So you just need to take a leap of faith and have a strong will so that you won’t easily give up especially when the going gets tough. Her mother didn’t just teach her daughter how to sell a product but also she was able to teach her how to become independent and learn things her own way. By doing so, she was able to make her daughter understand that she should be able to stand strong even on her own to be able to face greater problems in the future without always asking too much help. When you became independent you’ll be able to stand firm in what you believe in. You have trust in yourself that you’ll be able to achieve you goals. That you have a positive outlook in life. And if you have that kind of thinking, even when in the middle of a very hard obstacle you will be able to surpass it. A mountain will just be considered as a little hindrance. The product became popular and people began to recognize their pineapple popsicles. Her daughter was able to sell the products and earn money. She was able to earn through her efforts and hard work. Because of what she learned and applied she didn’t just earn money but also knowledge and learning. In order to be wise, we need to be creative and have an open-mind, we should ask lots of questions, there’s really nothing wrong in asking. A child that questions a lot is an intelligent child. It means that this child is curious and is very willing to be able to learn new things. One more thing we should learn and we should reflect on the video clip, a questioning mind is an open mind. We cannot learn new things and improve ourselves if we do not keep an open mind. But either way how you handle things and accept things will always depend on you. If you let life’s challenge drag you down and push you to the dark or make it your mark to set as checkpoint towards a greater tomorrow. With the help of her mother giving an advice and idea of observing the market and how they run things. She was able to understand how people are lured into buying products. And so by understanding the basics of selling a product she took another leap of faith and began selling her product again. We all know the saying try and try until you succeed and that’s what she did. She tried again and that second shot she was able to achieve her goal. It’s amazing when people don’t give up and are still giving things a second chance. That just shows that she thinks that their product is viable. This goes to show that if at first you don’t succeed try again, if you can’t succeed the second time there’s always a third time and just keep the fire burning. If you lose hope easily, loss and competition will eat your dreams which will hinder your plans for success. And thus, if you make a mistake note it so you won’t do it again, learn from it and understand why it happened. Learning and understanding from your own mistake will make you see things differently because you already know how to get pass through it if you ever face the same problems. But always remember that it’s not bad to make mistakes, the bad things is not learning from your previous mistakes. Every successful person in the planet made a grave mistake one way or another but the second time around they were able to outsmart it. So you just need to take a leap of faith and have a strong will so that you won’t easily give up especially when the going gets tough. Her mother didn’t just teach her daughter how to sell a product but also she was able to teach her how to become independent and learn things her own way. By doing so, she was able to make her daughter understand that she should be able to stand strong even on her own to be able to face greater problems in the future without always asking too much help. When you became independent you’ll be able to stand firm in what you believe in. You have trust in yourself that you’ll be able to achieve you goals. That you have a positive outlook in life. And if you have that kind of thinking, even when in the middle of a very hard obstacle you will be able to surpass it. A mountain will just be considered as a little hindrance. The product became popular and people began to recognize their pineapple popsicles. Her daughter was able to sell the products and earn money. She was able to earn through her efforts and hard work. Because of what she learned and applied she didn’t just earn money but also knowledge and learning. Life can really give the greatest lessons may it be through an easy way or may it be the hard way. But either way how you handle things and accept things will always depend on you. If you let life’s challenge drag you down and push you to the dark or make it your mark to set as checkpoint towards a greater tomorrow.
To be honest, I have really learned a lot from this amazing and very short video. A 3 minute video clip that is worth a lot. I am really suggesting this to my friends to let them view it as well. I think we should all learn from the two characters on the video, the mother and the daughter as they possess great characters, attitudes. Their story is worth sharing. We can really relate to the real life scenario story of the two characters, we should learn from them, and we should learn to possess the attitude they have. It feels so good to be inspired. Learning begins in the family and our parents are the first teachers. We may be going to school to learn and to be able to be ready for the future when we are on our own, but then we cannot deny the fact that still, the best way to learn is through our own experiences. And sometimes we do this by applying the stuffs we learn at school, and sometimes by trial and error. We start learning new things because of our mistakes, we are learning new things through our experiences, which is for me is a better thing than just learning stuffs through school. We start to develop our learning skills since the day we were born by imitating our father and mother. When we go to school, teachers take part in teaching academic subjects and disciplines. From elementary- to secondary levels, we perceive going to school to acquire knowledge and get high scores on the exams so that our parents will be proud. Such perception limits learning to be in the classroom only, with teacher in charge. But the truth is learning experience can be everywhere and anytime. Parents can initiate learning for children in different ways, like the one showed in the video clip. This clearly shows that learning is everywhere, and learning is constant. Doesn’t matter what age you are in, in life the learning continues all the time. This made me think about the words quoted by Heraclitus, “The only thing that is constant is change”. And I clearly agree with this. People should change. Life must go on. In order for people to change is by learning, by accepting and recognizing his errors, and by trying to be better by doing ne things his or her life. And this learning thing is constant. I believe that. Every day in our lives we learn new things, because in living we experience things in our everyday lives, and by experiencing we learn. Our parent has their own way of nurturing us, teaching us and raising us. Some are learning it on their own however, those that are not fortunate enough learn it the hardest way possible. If you still have your parents with you cherish them and make use of all the learnings they have shared to you. Don’t misunderstand the things they are trying to impose to you. You might find it irritating and you think that they are interfering with your life but what they have always wanted is what they think is best for you. We should listen to what they say and just keep an open mind, keep it as an option because sometimes what you haven’t thought was what they were thinking all along, you will never know what tomorrow may bring. They are all doing it for us because they want to educate us by trying to correct the things they thing we are doing wrong based on their experiences with their own lives. The video doesn’t just show how to become an effective entrepreneur and how to use and expand your ideas effectively. But, it shows the right values and attitude we should have to be able to live a good life. You can learn how to overcome failure. How to face another challenge given by life. Their actions are showing how life can be so different yet still the same for everyone. And, it also shows how life can be so ironic in so many different ways, in so many different times and in so many different implications. How people undergo the same dilemma every single day and how they have the same ways in overcoming such or the same victory over the same problems. This just shows that even when people live in different places, times, being in different situations, somehow, life has its ways in giving us fair treatment. It shows how to run things especially when there are a lot of competition. Their actions are showing how life can be so different yet still the same for everyone. And, it also shows how life can be so ironic in so many different ways, in so many different times and in so many different implications.
Now let’s talk about what we can learn from the video clip in a business perspective. The video clip clearly shows us how to become an effective entrepreneur by having the right qualities and using this qualities to improve yourself. It shows the right values and attitude towards the hardships of life. You can learn how to overcome failure. How to face another challenge given by life. In business, there’s competition, huge competition the video shows how we can compete. It defines the factors on how can we effectively compete in the market. It was clearly showed on the video that the child was able to compete and sell her products on the market. It means, that she possess the right qualities to be able to make her business running.
These are the few things I noticed on the video clip that I think we should keep in mind and we should learn through it:

·         We learn best through our experiences

This was shown when the mother was letting her daughter do what she wants. Letting her learn what she is doing. But the most important thing we should reflect is how the mother taught her daughter. She taught her by letting her recognize what is wrong, letting her accept that she’s doing it the wrong way and then the mother then showed her daughter the right away how to do it, while the daughter tries to do it herself. I think this scenario clearly shows that the best way to learn is through experiencing it ourselves. But first, we should be able to know first what seems to be wrong for us to start questioning. If we can recognize our mistakes we can then start questioning why, what questions like that and from there, we start to be curious about what is the right thing to do, how we can improve ourselves. Questions that are very important so we can start learning. For me, it is very hard to learn if we do not know what we should learn or what we will learn. I think we should be able to have an objective, and that’s through questioning.
·         The passion and the will
This trait was shown at the scenario when the matter noticed her child envied the other kids eating ice cream. The mother’s passion and love for her daughter and her will to make her daughter happy lead her to become innovative. Which is I think is very important in business. Being innovative is a must not just in business but also in life. Being innovative is being wise. In life we should be wise. The story of the mother’s love to her daughter can be related to business. I think we should learn from it in both perspective, in life and in a business perspective. In life, I think we should be passionate about something for use to be able to have a will to learn, if we are passionate about something, we tend to be more focused and word hard. We must find something we are passionate about. So we can live a happy life and we can achieve an open and innovative mind. I think we can also relate this to some students in college. I think this is the reason why some students fail. It is not because they haven’t learned something, or because they are dumb but because they are not passionate of what they are doing that’s why they don’t have the will to learn and strive more to be able to achieve more. Now we relate this to a business perspective. I think as a businessman or a business minded person you should have a passion at what you’re doing for you to be able to deliver quality products and services. If you are passionate on your business you will strive more you tend to be creative and open minded to new things. You will obtain the will to improve more and do more so you can always make your clients or customers happy. Because having a passion is like loving something. If you love something, you tend to work happily, you never give up and you are always eager to learn more new things.

·         Never give up and be positive
This was shown in a scenario where the mother encouraged her daughter to not give up and try again. We can relate this in our everyday lives, yes life is very challenging. It always knocks us down. But the video clip is a pure encouragement and we should learn from it that we should never give up. Life may knock us down few or more times, but we should always get up and fight back. In business, if you give up easily, all you do is waste resources. I know business can really be challenging as you deal with people and people can be challenging to deal with. Mixed attitudes, also you cannot please everyone. But then again, we should never give up. We should always keep a positive and open mind.

·         Be innovative
I liked the most the scene where the mother had an idea on how to make her daughter smile. That was really innovative of her. Making a home-made pineapple ice cream was very simple yet brilliant. They showed us that being not rich is not a reason for us to give up, rather a challenge we should overcome. There are lots of things we can innovate all we have to do is have an open mind and be creative. But more importantly, to be able to obtain and innovative mind we should have an open mind and a passionate personality.

·         Always question, be curious
We should always be curious about everything and anything. We should always formulate questions, in this way we can start looking for answers on the things we wanted answered or improved. A curious mind tends to innovate and improve one’s self. This is depicted when the daughter went to the market to look for answers on why is she not able to have a sale, what seems to be wrong at what she’s doing. And because of that she was able to obtain the answers needed so she can improve herself, her product and thus improving her business methods. With this also you can always learn new things and improve. Questioning always tends to make you improve more and learn more as you keep finding things to improve yourself and what you do.

·         Have an open mind
By having an open mind, we become open to new possibilities we accept more ideas. In this way we can better improve and innovate. Having an open mind is like learning through others. That’s why it is good that you go to people that shares ideas with you. In this way not just you but all of you can learn from each other and thus could greatly improve because of these ideas. The scene where the child went to the market to learn new things and make her questions answered shows this kind of trait. The kid keenly observed then she tried to learn the craft from the people at the market, I mean the people that are at the market. Her mother directed her to go there as her mother wanted her to learn from the people who are good at doing it. Of course the people at the market are good at selling so it is a good environment for her daughter to observe and learn. The amazing thing about it is that the kid had the open mindedness. She really did observed and tried to learn from the people there. Not just observing and learning but she also applied what she learned. In this way she improved dramatically in selling her pineapple sticks.