Wednesday, July 15

Posted by Unknown

After watching the movie “3 IDIOTS”, your reflections of the 3 characters, which one would you choose?

The movie was indeed very inspiring, especially for us college students who are struggling in our studies. The movie that I've watched is the best example of a movie that exerts motivation to every student who is striving hard to reach their goals in life and even though I watched it many times I am still not tired of watching every single scene of the movie. The film has the right mixture of laughter, drama, and lectures in life or shall I call it enlightenment of thoughts, a very great movie indeed because most of us could really relate what the movie is trying to portray it is simply because we commonly experience it in our daily lives it is so practical and yet very unpredictable. The movie brought many realizations to me, very simple situations, happenings, or even things in life that I myself couldn’t explain well. The movie shook me meanings that every person can relate to the actual activities that we are doing every day that we couldn’t even think of in the first place, because of the simplicity of those things we often forget its true meaning. The movie “3 Idiots” enlightened me on some really simple but so much inspiring thoughts in life, it taught me about passion and how to be strong and courageous to achieve your goals in life. The quote “Pursue excellence and success will follow”, really arouse my motivation in struggling the roads in life, this really motivated me to do more and more so that I could achieve my goals.  We are all after for success in life, to achieve what we dreamed to become in the future. The movie “3 Idiots” I guess is the best example for life’s success – for motivation. Life is unfair, isn’t it? Challenges, trials, obstacles are all synonymous
terms that we are dealing as we are chasing for success. “Life is a race…. if you don’t run fast you will be like a broken anda” – this is the line from Professor Viru in 3 Idiots. Indeed it was true! As we run on the track we cannot avoid to stumble and fall down, race in not yet over, stand-up – fight to finish! But we all know failure never come only once; it is repeated not just twice but many times. As the song goes – “Give me some sunshine, Give me some rain. Give me another chance; I wanna grow-up once again.” – Chances will be given to those who are with patience, courage and desires, if you have that, sunshine and rain will come after you.
The movie itself is talking about how students handle the different challenges and difficulties that they face when the hard and very stressful parts comes upon their study especially that they were studying in a school that has a very high standard of teaching and that is known to be the school for the best and competitive graduates. This movie is the most inspiring movie that I’ve watched the best example of a movie that exerts motivation to every student who is striving hard to reach their goals in life and even though I watched it many times still I am not tired of watching the scenes of the movie. Because this movie brought many meanings that every person can relate to the actual activities that we are doing every day.
This is a story of life struggles, dream fulfillment, a little bit taste of love, overcoming the challenges in life and the true and unfathomable friendship of three people, particularly the three students Farhan Qureshi, Raju Rastogi and Ranchhoddas Shamaldas Chhanchad. The story of the movie is about the three engineering freshmen that were given the chance to study in a famous school of engineering in India.
These three engineering students met because they share the same room in the residence of Imperial College of Engineering. The same to the students that have passed that studied in the Imperial College of Engineering, they have also their own purpose of why they did studied in Imperial College of Engineering. Farhan chose engineering because of his father’s wish so that he can support his family needs even though his ambition is opposite to what his father desire for him, In reality Farhan wants to become a wildlife photographer, to capture the beauty of animals’ life and on how they dwell with the great and perfect touch of creation of God the Nature.  Raju on the other hand wants to graduate to the Imperial College of Engineering so that he can help his family to escape from poverty. And Rancho studies in the Imperial College of Engineering because of his simple passion in machines and devices. Rancho is a wealthy genius who studies for the sheer joy of it. However, Rancho's true passion is for knowledge itself and taking apart and building machines rather than the conventional obsession of the other students with exam ranks. Because of this different approach, Rancho incurred the wrath of the dean of the college, Professor Viru Sahastrabudhhe (ViruS) (Boman Irani). Rancho irritates his lecturers by giving creative and uncommon or unorthodox answers to his questions unlike the other students who solely rely on books.
First let’s talk about Farhan Qureshi, from the day he was born, his father proclaimed that he would be an engineer someday but as he entered college, it was never his dream. It was his father’s dream for him and out of love and respect, he followed what his father wanted for him even though it is not what he wanted just to please and make his father happy. Farhan’s dream is to become a wildlife photographer because he had this passion in photography and he also loves animals and it was projected on the movie his photographs on animals. Even though he pursued engineering and become an engineering student in a top 1 Engineering University, his love for photography is still in him. Every examination results, he is consistent on being on the last rank and always on the last row during class pictorials together with Raju. He still studies his lessons well but still can’t make it to the top and I understand what he is going through because for me, you cannot give what you don’t have. Even if I have all the perseverance that I need to be on top but if my heart is not in it, it is still useless. I would not be happy because following our hearts would make us happier. I understand that he needed to do all of these things just to make his parent’s proud especially his father considering that he had given him all the privileges just to make him feel comfortable in his studies like buying an air conditioner and put it on Farhan’s room just to make it comfortable for him to study his lessons well. Everything that they can offer they will give it to his son just to make it comfortable and easier for him to study. A part of the movie wherein it is their job interview and his father bought him a brand new laptop because he thought that it would be a great help for his son especially if he would pass the job interview and be hired for work. I idolized Farhan’s courage to speak for himself and let his father know what he wanted in his life. I understand his father’s side because our parents only wanted what’s best for us. They would not decide on something if they know it would be no good at all. But sometimes we need to speak out especially on what would really make us happy because a man would be truly human if he will be able to live his life to the fullest, meaning he had live his life the way he wanted it to be. I liked the scene in which he talked to his father that he don’t want to pursue engineering because he wanted to follow his heart, his dreams and it would be wildlife photographer. I was touched on how his father reacted on the situation that he said that he will return the laptop that he just bought for his son and asked for the cost of the camera that his son would need on his endeavor.  It was a happy ending for Farhan because his father finally understands the meaning of happiness for his son and embraces him as a sign of his acceptance and love. In real life, our parents cannot bear the feeling of not seeing us happy, what they surely wants for us is the best of everything and sometimes they tend to forget that we already have our own life, own thoughts and own feelings. They made decisions that sometimes it is against our will but out of our love and respect for them we just kept to ourselves what we really wanted just to please them and not disappointing them. It is not wrong to stand up and talk to them what we really wanted but it should be in a nice way in which they would really understand what we really wanted to tell them. Whatever decisions we may have, our parents are our number one supporters and the one that will push us harder just for us to achieve our goals and dreams in life. I really admired Farhan’s courage to stand up to his father in order for him to have his life following the tracks of his dream and I also admired his parents especially his father for listening and understanding his son’s plea and supports him instead.
The second character in the movie is Raju Rastogi, compared to Rancho and Farhan, he belongs to a poor family. He had a sickraju father who was once a postman, a mother who is retired and an unwed sister that could not marry because they could not afford the dowry that the family of the groom wanted. He wanted to be an engineer because he wanted to make his parents happy and could provide a good life for his family. He is a type of person in which he values his family so much because for them, he is their last hope for their family. He really wanted to finish and graduate engineering because for him it would give him a stable job and could offer him a salary to suffice the needs of his family. In the movie, he is the serious one and don’t want to be distracted by the doings of his friends Rancho and Farhan and so he decided to move to another room so that he could stay focus on studying his lessons but it did not went well because his friends made a plan to make him realize that they are good company and not Chatur. He thought that he is in bad company his friends would distract him in his studies and would be the reason for his failures in class. But he was completely wrong, because even though he moved to another room, lie lowed from his friends but in the end they are the one who helped his father to be brought right away to the hospital especially Rancho. He is the one who did a lot of effort for it just to bring Raju’s father to the hospital in time. And by that time, he realized that friends will always be friends especially in times of troubles, trials and difficulties. Our friends will be the one we can share our thoughts freely and they will be always there for us no matter. True friends are really hard to find and if you have them keep them and treasure them. There’s this incident in the story wherein they the three friends were in trouble because they get drunk and crashed on Mr. Virus’s house in the middle of the night because of their be on Rancho that he should confess his feelings for Pia, Mr. Virus’s daughter. They were in trouble because Mr. Virus woke up and been able to recognize one of them and unfortunately, it was Raju. In the morning during their class, they were caught by Mr. Virus because they fell asleep on their room and found a bottle of rum with them and so Raju was invited by Mr. Virus in his office. They talked on his office and gave Raju a warning. He will not be able to graduate in time because of what happened last night and made a bargain with him. He would erase his name on the list of students that will not graduate if he will put the name of Rancho on it and will be his witness for such act. It would be a very hard decision for Raju to make because it is a dilemma between his future and his loyalty for his friend. If I were in Raju’s shoes, it would be very hard and risky decision for me because, whatever I will choose there would be a consequence for it. If I will choose to put my friend in danger in replace for me, it would be him who will not be able to graduate and it would be a lifetime guilt for me but if I will choose not to erase my name and not to witness against my friend, I would be the one who will not graduate and would bring disappointment to my family. I understand that he choose to jump off the building and commit suicide because of mental pressure that he needed to decide sometimes suicide is an person’s escape for all the problems that he is going through. Committing suicide would not bring any good to us because it would not resolve any issues in our lives but instead it would worsen the case. But in Raju’s case he chose suicide than to sacrifice things that he valued the most. He was hospitalized and everyone was very worried about him especially his family and friends that love him so much. They did everything just to show Raju that they are strong despite what happened to him because it would be great help for him to wake up and recover easily. And fortunately after all their efforts, Raju recovered from the incident and they all rejoiced for such good news. I admired his determination because even though he just recovered from his accident and his legs were still broken, he still went on their job interview and answered all the interviewers’ questions confidently. I admired also his attitude that he would not change himself just to please the interviewers’. He said in his interview, “You keep your job and I’ll keep my attitude”. Our attitude composes our being and it is made even stronger by the experiences that we encountered in our lives. Just like Raju he is stronger now because of what happened to him. He can be someone if he will just be determined and strong to face the trials in life that he may face.
The most important and lead character in the movie is Rancho. He is a perfect example of genuine wisdom. For me, he touched many lives in the story not just touched but inspired lives including the viewers. I can say to that he is a perfect example of genuine wisdom because since he was a child he could not afford to study at school but instead slip on classes and wear uniform even though he is not enrolled. He just wanted to be educated and learn new things in life. I was amazed by his principle that, “you don’t need money just be in school, all you need is a uniform”, by that doing he just proves that a person could do everything if he wanted to prove something.3-idiots-new-stills-09 He is a genius by birth and he never wanted to stop learning. All he had learned from school, he applied it. For example, during their first night at the university he did used what he had learned from physics that salt water is good conductor of electricity. I was amazed by that kind of simple invention he had made so that he will not be bullied by the seniors. He is a good friend to his friends; he would help them when they are in need. He inspired their lives and taught them to follow what would make them happy. I admired him because despite the pressure in college he still can make it to the top of the class and proved to everyone that grades are not important it will just make division among others, what’s important is that even though we may not have high grades but we learned something from it. It would a foundation for our success in the future, all the things that we learned in this so-called life. In the movie, he always pushes his friends to bring out what they have for them to have something to be proud of. This man is indeed a very inspiring man for me because it made me realized that education is what we really need for the success of our future and taught me the value of friendship that friends are our second family. Through ups and downs, true friends will always be there for you.  The saying “AAL IZZ WELL” is a reminder for us all that everything will be alright if we will believe in ourselves and has that faith in each one of us. He is an outstanding student in ICE because he is an eye opener to everyone and I liked what Mr. Virus told him that he is not right all the time. It simply means that even though we, people, are that smart, genius, bright in terms of intellectual capabilities but we do not know everything, we should stay humble at all times. We tend to make mistakes and we should accept it even though it would hurt our pride. He is the only student in which Mr. Virus had seen to be one of a kind that’s why he gave his pen to him because that pen is a symbol of excellence and for me he really deserve it. It is not that easy to make a machine out of materials that are available at a certain time. For me Rancho is a hero in that movie, he is able to save a child’s life by his innovated invention the vacuum cup out of a vacuum cleaner and helped to deliver Mona’s baby safely. I was really amazed by what he had done at that time and I’m sure that Mr. Virus is also amazed and proud of him that’s why he gave his pen to him. A really one of a kind and extra ordinary person for me that would best describe Rancho.
            Rancho is also a very intelligent person; even you cannot tell that when you first saw him because of his personality didn’t fit to his looks. Your first impression would probably be wrong, but when you start getting to know him better you can tell that he has a good personality. Rancho can improvise many things so that he can solve the different problems that he faces. He is also a very humble person because he always stays on his ground even though he has the talent that can help many people to have a better living. And since he is an intelligent person, he was made to be a substitute for the real Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad to go to the Imperial College of Engineering. His real name was Phunsukh Wangdu and he was only a servant of the family of Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad. The real Rancho was sent by his father to London to hide his true identity until Phunsukh Wangdu will finish his studies in the Imperial College of Engineering. Phunsukh  Wangdu attains the highest grade from the other engineering students in the Imperial College of Engineering. The movie also says that when he was in his early age particularly in his sixth grade he was starting to teach other subjects that are being taught in higher levels and one of the faculties in his school was amazed when he was solving a numerical problem of the tenth grade. Frankly I am amazed by the character of Rancho because he studied for how many years to earn a degree in engineering for the sake of having the fun of learning things and not just the fact to earn credits for himself as an engineer.
If I have the opportunity to choose which character I would like, I would probably really choose Rancho because he has great passion in life to help people when they need a person to rely on. He is a happy person that any individual could not tell if he has a problem or none. Rancho believes that success in engineering is not achieved by memorizing definitions given by instruments that records, analyze, summarize, organize, debate and explain information; that are illustrated, non- illustrated, hard bound paperback, jacketed, non-jacketed with foreword, introduction, table of contents, index, that are intended for enlightenment, understanding, enrichment, enhancement and education of the human brain through the sensory route of vision, sometimes touch- “textbooks” or professor, but by understanding it and applying the concepts that he has acquired from what they have took up. Like the one scene in the movie when Chatur “Silencer” Ramalingan delivered a speech to introduce their guest in a certain event in their school, Rancho and Farhan change the speech to a little bit nasty speech. Chatur is known as a student that is very good in memorizing every detail that the textbooks have written and he didn’t even understand the meaning of those words that he commits to his memory. So when Chatur delivered the speech, he wondered why the guest and Professor Viru got mad to him. He is a happy person that any individual could not even tell if he has a problem or not. He’s the type of person that doesn’t want to see his friends suffer, be lonely, afraid or even lose hopes in achieving what they want. Rancho believes that success in engineering is not achieved by memorizing definitions given by instruments that records, analyze, summarize, organize, debate and explain information; that are illustrated, non- illustrated, hard bound paperback, jacketed, non-jacketed with foreword, introduction, table of contents, index, that are intended for enlightenment, understanding, enrichment, enhancement and education of the human brain through the sensory route of vision, sometimes touch- “textbooks” or professor, but by understanding it and applying the concepts that he has acquired from what they have took up. Like the one scene in the movie when Chatur “Silencer” Ramalingan delivered a speech to introduce their guest in a certain event in their school, Rancho and Farhan change the speech to a little bit nasty speech. Chatur is known as a student that is very good in memorizing every detail that the textbooks have written and he didn’t even understand the meaning of those words that he commits to his memory. So when Chatur delivered the speech, he wondered why the guest and Professor Viru got mad to him. The character that Ranchu portrayed is very unorthodox but is very effective in trying to display the essence of good moral values and great lessons in life. There are many good characteristics that Rancho has, he is very helpful person, he is a very caring person, he is a very loving person, and he is a very intelligent person. Many adores Rancho even his friends Farhan and Raju because he has an exquisite talent, unique principles in life and a very strong passion in life that only him can have. He is also a very generous and caring person and I think this is his main characteristic. He is willing to help people as much as he can and as long as he can. There are many scenes in the movie that shows how helpful he is to the people around him. Like when he saw that certain student, Joy Lobo who wants to become a successful engineer and seeing that what he builds was only rejected by Professor who’s always been so terrible to engineering students- Professor Viru and only went to trash, it made him so intimidated and totally down. And when he didn’t see the student in sight he silently pick up the device that the student invented and he innovate it. But when he was going to show it to the student, it was already late, he gave up his own life. That was dreadful!
            He also helped the father of Raju to go to hospital because when Pia said that the father of Raju is in critical condition and it will be too late if they will call an ambulance. So, Rancho made a decision and used the scooter of Pia to deliver the father of Raju to the hospital. And even though there is an exam that will be conducted in the next day, he stays in the hospital and sympathized to the father of Raju until they know that the father of Raju is okay. Rancho also helps the daughter of Professor Viru even though Professor Viru is very angry to him and was very mean to him always and was always trying to make his school life worse and difficult. It is also the time when it has a flash flood in the Imperial College of Engineering and coincidentally the daughter of Professor Viru has a feeling that she was delivering her baby but they can’t go to the hospital because of the natural calamity. So, Rancho made a decision that he will going to make a solution so that the baby will survive from the death. He communicates to the other daughter of Professor Viru, Pia because she was a doctor. Because of lack of materials, they become resourceful; they find a vacuum cleaner and a pressure regulator so that it will control the pressure that the vacuum cleaner exerts. Because of the technique that they use, the baby survives. Ranchu displayed a very good character of someone that has leadership in these parts of the movie. Professor Viru was very happy and was very emotional in that moment and he was very proud of Rancho and Rancho receives the pen which the professor had been keeping for decades before finding a student brilliant enough to gift it to.He says that he will only give it to the right person that he was something to be proud of. He also helps Farhan to succeed his own ambitionto become a wildlife photographer. He passes all the photos that Farhan took to a person that Farhan idolized. He didn’t even ask the permission of Farhan to send all the photos to the famous wildlife photographer in Europe. Farhan was very glad to hear from Rancho that he was invited to go to Europe so that he can practice his skills to become a professional wildlife photographer. Even though Farhan passed all the examinations he withdraws his course so that he can achieve his dream and be with his favorite wildlife photographer.
            Rancho has also an optimistic personality, because he always thinks positively. He always encourages his friends that there are always solutions to their problems. He even helps them to solve a certain problem that they are facing ignoring the difficulty of the problems. He is also a goal oriented person because despite of his own personality he always thinks that when finish his studies he can help other people. And he can think any solution so that he can achieve the goal that he wants. The experience has changed Farhan and Raju dramatically, and they adopted Rancho's views and principles in life. Farhan decides to pursue his love of photography, while Raju takes an unexpected approach for an interview for a corporate job. He attends in plaster and a wheelchair and gives a series of non-conformal and frank answers and made himself stand above others because of his attitude. However, ViruS is unsympathetic and and a sore loser, he then vows to make the final exam as hard as possible so that Raju would unable to graduate in college. Threatened by Rancho's talent and free spirit, ViruS labels him an "idiot" and attempts on a number of occasions to destroy his friendship with Farhan and Raju, warning them and their parents to steer clear of Rancho. In contrast, ViruS model student is Chatur Ramalingam or "Silencer", (Omi Vaidya) who sees a high rank at the prestigious college as his ticket to higher social status, corporate power, and therefore wealth. Chatur conforms to the expectations of the system. Rancho humiliates Chatur, who is awarded the honor of making a speech at an award ceremony, by substituting obscenities into the text, which has been written by the librarian. As expected, Chatur mindlessly memorizes the speech, without noticing that anything is amiss, partly aided by his lack of knowledge on Hindi. His speech becomes the laughing stock of the audience, infuriating the authorities in the process.. Pia hears him and angrily confronts him, and when ViruS gives the same ruthless reply he commonly gives to his students, she denounces him in the same way that Rancho did over the suicide of Lobo. Pia then reveals that Viru's son, her brother was not killed in an accident but committed suicide in front of a train and left a letter because ViruS had forced him to pursue a career in engineering over his love for literature and to Pia that was not a suicide instead a murder unknowingly made by his father; ViruS always mentioned that he unsympathetically failed his son on the ICE entrance exams over and over to every new intake of ICE students. After this, Pia walks out on the family home, and takes ViruS's spare keys with her. She tells Rancho of the exam, and he and Farhan break into ViruS's office and stole the exam and give it to Raju, who with his new-found attitude, is unconcerned with the prospect of failing, and refuses to cheat and throws the paper away. However, ViruS catches the trio and expels them on the spot. He is also a very helpful person and I think this is his main characteristic. He is willing to help people as long as he can. There are many scenes in the movie that shows how helpful he is to the people around him. Like when he saw that certain student, Joy Lobo who wants to become a successful engineer and seeing that what he builds was only rejected by Professor who’s always been so terrible to engineering students- Professor Viru and only went to trash, it made him so intimidated and totally down. And when he didn’t see the student in sight he silently pick up the device that the student invented and he innovate it. But when he was going to show it to the student, it was already late, he gave up his own life. That was dreadful! He helps also the father of Raju to go to hospital because when Pia said that the father of Raju is in critical condition and it will be too late if they will call an ambulance. So, Rancho made a decision and used the scooter of Pia to deliver the father of Raju to the hospital. And even though there is an exam that will be conducted in the next day, he stays in the hospital and sympathized to the father of Raju until they know that the father of Raju is okay.
            He is a very caring person because he has the characteristic that he didn’t want to see his friends to suffer. Like one of the scenes in the movie when Raju is being hospitalized because of jump from the office of the director of the Imperial College of Engineering, Professor Viru that is very high from the ground level, he was the one who help to deliver Raju to the hospital. He was with him every day. He did what are the possible cures so that Raju will wake up from a coma condition. Until the day comes when Raju wakes up because he lied and said that Farhan will marry the sister of Raju without any dowry because that is the dream of Raju to his sister so that she will be gone in poverty. He also helped his friend Raju when Professor Viru gave him a special examination so that Raju will not be rusticated in the Imperial College of Engineering. He tried to communicate to Pia (the daughter of Professor), so that he can have the copy of the examination that Professor Viru will give. When Pia gave the key to the office of the director he search it and gave to Raju, but Raju didn’t accept the copy of the question in the exam because he has confidence that he can pass the exam whether it is difficult or very difficult.
            Rancho also helped the daughter of Professor Viru even though Professor Viru is very angry to him. It is also the time when it has a flash flood in the Imperial College of Engineering and coincidentally the daughter of Professor Viru has a feeling that she was delivering her baby but they can’t go to the hospital because of the natural calamity. So, Rancho made a decision that he will going to make a solution so that the baby will survive from the death. He communicates to the other daughter of Professor Viru, Pia because she was a doctor. Because of lack of materials, they become resourceful; they find a vacuum cleaner and a pressure regulator so that it will control the pressure that the vacuum cleaner exerts. Because of the technique that they use, the baby survives. Professor Viru was very in that day and he was very proud of Rancho and he gives the astronaut’s ballpen that he says that he will only give it to the right person that he was something to be proud of. He also helped Farhan to succeed his own ambition – to become a wildlife photographer. He passes all the photos that Farhan took to a person that Farhan idolized. He didn’t even ask the permission of Farhan to send all the photos to the famous wildlife photographer in Europe. Farhan was very glad to hear from Rancho that he was invited to go to Europe so that he can practice his skills to become a professional wildlife photographer. Even though Farhan passed all the examinations he withdraws his course so that he can achieve his dream and be a wildlife photographer. Rancho has also an optimistic personality, because he always thinks positively. He always encourages his friends that there are always solutions to their problems. He even helps them to solve a certain problem that they are facing ignoring the difficulty of the problems.
Happiness will be the result of your sweat and blood sacrificed that backs to success. Happiness is one of the most sought after goals in life. Sometimes we even tend to chase some things because we think that it can make us happy. To maintain a successful life and to achieve ultimate happiness always be thankful for what you have reached, share what you have to those who are empty handed. Make a healthy relationship with your friends and families, enemies will always a hindrance to your success. Above all praise and be glorifying the Lord God for what He has given you leads you to success. Because in God, Aal iiz well.
If a certain goal is really important and you really desire for it, you need motivation to keep you in the path of success, just pursue excellence and success will follow. “Pursue excellence, and success will follow”, is a very memorable quote from the movie that really marked my mind. You can’t accomplish anything if you can’t put your heart on your work and with working where your heart truly lays you can achieve excellence and greatness in your work because you are happy of what you do. This movie helped a lot in making me understand the attitude and the principles in life that might actually help me in achieving my goals and being excellent of what I love doing. This also inspires me to be a better student and a better person in order to have a better and a happy life.
