Tuesday, August 6

Personality test result and my thoughts on improving my personality

Posted by Unknown

My result on the personality test was that I belong to INTJ, which means Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging. I believe this test helped me somehow figure my strengths and weaknesses in the aspects in my life. This is a guide to let me know what and who I really am, I may know myself well but this test helped well in figuring out me really well. This also serves as a guide to let us know what the possible careers suitable for us are. Every person has different strengths in different aspects in life, one must discover and harness to make it even better and make his or herself successful in that chosen strength of his or her. I believe every person has his or her own talent within them that is yet to discover and to be developed well for it to become a skill. Communicating is one common skill we have learned and was taught to us when we were just young. Interacting and talking to people is one of the basic things needed to be an entrepreneur, to
be a good entrepreneur one must be a good communicator as well. The ability to communicate well and effective is one example of skill that is needed to harness to become a good entrepreneur. Without communication society is as good as dead, even our animals has their own way to communicate it is because communication is very vital to life. It’s one of the key factors that keeps the countries’ economy progressing. Without the economy, hunger will strike and people living in this place would be as good as dead. Economy and the companies, businesses, entrepreneurs that are running this are the one primarily keeping the country progress.
According to the result of my personality test, I am an Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging type of person. Only 2% in the world are INTJ, personalities like this are very rare. INTJ’s are often seen as highly intelligent and perplexingly mysterious. Personalities like this radiate self-confidence,relying on their huge archive of knowledge spanning many different areas. We INTJ’s usually begin to develop that knowledge in early childhood and keep on doing that later on in our lives.
INTJ’s know what they know and more importantly they are confident in the knowledge they hold. This personality type can be labeled as the most independent of all types. INTJ’s are very decisive, original and insightful. Other people are easily convinced with the ideas of INTJ’s simply because of that sheer willpower and self-confidence they have. However INTJ’s does not seek or enjoy the spotlight and may often decide to keep their opinions to themselves if the topic discussions does not interest them that much, and which I think is very much true to myself. I really don’t enjoy having the center of attraction or attention; I rather love doing things in the dark.
INTJ’s are perfectionist, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest. What prevents INTJ’s from becoming chronically bogged down in this pursuit of perfection is the characteristic of INTJ’s where they often ask “Does it work?” to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, sentiment for its own sake. INTJ’s are known as the “System Builders” of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. INTJ’s have also been known to take it upon themselves to implement critical decisions without consulting their superiors or co-workers. They tend to be precise and even handed about recognizing the individual contributions that have gone into a project, and have a gift for seizing opportunities which others might not even notice.
In the case of improving my result of the personality test, I think I really have to improve some, specially my negative personalities; However, I know my personalities well, and I know my strengths and weaknesses on different areas. If it meant having a good career and interactive environment with my future working space, I think I have to improve my social skills even though I am quite confident with my social skills and I’ll also try to change my attitude that I tend to make critical decisions without consulting to others, specially my team mates. I think I won’t to change me being a perfectionist; it would be hard I think.
To have my personality improve, I have to try and do my best to be with the things that involves my studies and career. I should be responsible to the tasks where I am assigned to, I think I would carefully choose my field of expertise so that I would excel and be successful in the near future. I should lead a career I want and I where I am knowledgeable of the things that would be necessary to help me improve. It would greatly help me and would give me better chance of succeeding in the field that I have chosen. I sometimes tend to just keep my thoughts and ideas all to myself because I sometimes get lazy when the topic is boring, I know it is wrong but I it can’t be helped. I will improve myself by always sharing my ideas if I have any; even the topic is not that interesting enough for me. I am adaptive to change, I more likely stick to what I have planned and change somehow if I see a better one. Change is the only thing that is constant in this world, so I am bound to change. I would carefully plan my future, and the things that I needed to improve to myself, this where I’m good at, careful planning. Anything is possible; everything is negotiable that is my idealism. Others may see what “is” and wonder “why”; I see what “might be” and say “Why not?” I enjoy developing unique solutions to complex problems, I can rise to management positions and I am willing to invest time in marketing my abilities as well as enhancing them.
