Sunday, October 20

My FTS experiences and Learning (Major/Minor)

Posted by Unknown

The subject field trip and seminars is a very expensive subject. We were already told about this, and we are expecting this costly subject a semester before we had enrolled this subject. Our class had already started the preparations a semester before it’ll be enrolled as advised by our teachers. We were asked to submit so many documents ahead of time so that there will no problems when the time comes that we are going to travel. This was done so that the class would be prepared in the initial documents needed, few months prior to the enrolment of the subject. The class even elected officers to help the class prepare for the subject’s preparations. The class president was the one who collected the needed documents including the medical certificate, notarized parent’s consent, approved conditions, and the FTS model survey given to our parents to
be passed to the university’s administration before the opening of the incoming first semester. This early preparations were done also so that our parents would have enough time to prepare for the money needed on our field trip and seminars. I can really say the money needed is really a big amount, and it was the best option to prepare ahead of time so that it’ll not be hard for our parents to pay the big amount. It was agreed that we will choose model A in our field trip and seminars, which is 1 minor field trip in Mindanao and Major Field trip outside Mindanao. The amount needed for our field trip is Php18,000. It was also agreed that we pay the amount every 15 days months before our departure for the Major Field trip.
Before we had our Major and Minor field trip we first had an Interpersonal skills seminar. We had so many activities very helpful for us in developing our interpersonal skills and knowing more about ourselves and others. It was a whole day seminar, it was fun and it was really worth it.
Our major field trip was scheduled on September 16-20, 2013. Those are the dates that we will be having our field in Luzon, Metro Manila specifically. But on September 15, 2013 a day before our travel, we attended a mass, the entire class, faculty and our parents were on attendance during that day. Also, during that day, we were briefed by our adviser on the important details to be remembered during our field trip and seminars. On that very same day also, I packed all the things that I needed during the trip. Our departure time was 5:45 am. I decided to sleep over at my classmate’s house, because their house is just very near at the airport so that I can really be early.  
The day had finally came that we’ll gonna be having our Major Field trip, I woke up early. We were 1 hour early before our departure. This is not my first time travelling through plane so I pretty much know the processes at the airport. I and my classmate just proceeded to the airport, we saw our class president at the entrance of the departure area, and she then told us to proceed to the waiting area where our classmates are also waiting after we check-in our baggage. When we were approaching the waiting area, we saw our classmates, they are all there, and some are already taking photos of each other. We took so many photos of ourselves while were in the waiting area. While waiting for the boarding time, I enjoyed myself by looking and observing the around. Some of us were not excited compared to others who are very happy and excited while just waiting, so I thought that maybe it’s not also their first time boarding in a plane.
The time had finally come that we’ll gonna enter the airplane. I was a little bit excited, because I miss the feeling of riding an airplane. When I found my seat I remembered what Mr. Gamboa told us to do, I immediately buckled my seatbelt. I was supposedly to be on the window side, but I exchanged seat with my classmate who was a first timer. I already had my experience on the window side, so I let her have the chance also. When the plane started to position at the runway I suddenly felt very excited, I remembered the rush of excitement, the feeling when the plane is taking off. I really do love the sudden adrenaline rush when the plane takes off. When we the plane finally take off my heart beats faster, I was so excited and happy cause I get that adrenaline rush again that I so love when flying in an airplane. Though I was not in the window side, but I am seated next to it, so I can’t help myself but glance at the window. I really like the view, I enjoyed watching the view. I and my classmates had so many conversations during the flight, to pass the time so that we will not be bored, because when the planes altitude is too high all we can see through the window are bunch of clouds. We talked about our expectations when we will arrive in Manila and also I told them about my past experiences when I went to Manila and when I had my first plane ride. After a while, we had observed that the plane is now descending. The pilot then announced that we will be landing soon, we buckled again our seatbelt and waited, and we watched the view below from the window. But just when we thought that the plane will be landing very soon enough, it just abruptly flew higher again, and the pilot told us that we were unable to land because of the bad weather. The weather was really bad, heavy rains our pouring and huge, dark clouds are covering metro Manila, so we waited until we can safely land. When the control tower finally made a go signal to our pilot, the pilot then announced to us that we can now land. The plane landed safely, then we unbuckled and wait to the stewardess to tell us that we can now stand and go out. When we exited the plane, it was still raining. But as we exited the plane’s door we were given umbrellas by the crew. We then proceeded to get our baggage; we took some photos while waiting for our baggage. Then our class president gave us the signal that we can now go out. We waited for outside for a few minutes until our bus came.
We all boarded the bus and we were ready to take our breakfast. According to the itinerary given to us, we will be having our breakfast at Mcdonalds near NAIA. While on the bus, our tour guide introduced himself and gave us our schedule for the week. Our tour guide told us that we can call him Kuya Bayron and he will be with us for the whole week. We ate our breakfast at McDonalds just across the airport. At around 9:30 in the morning we are expected to visit the company Flour Daniel located at Alabang, Muntinlupa and after the visitation we will have our lunch at Jade Valley located at Timog, Quezon City around 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm. After lunch around 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, we are expected to visit the company Social Security System located at East Avenue, Quezon City. After breakfast at McDonalds which is located at Pasay City, we travelled from Pasay City to Quezon City. Due to our delayed arrival caused by the bad weather, the visitation on the company Flour Daniel located at Alabang, Muntinlupa was canceled, lacking time, we can no longer go there at the scheduled time because of our delayed arrival and also because of the heavy traffic congestion in Metro Manila. The travel from Pasay City to Quezon City took hours because of the heavy traffic. But even with the traffic, it was still not boring while in the bus, because we have the chance to sightsee around Metro Manila while on our seats during the travel. Kuya Bayron is also constantly giving us information, trivia, and fun facts about the places that we’re passing by in Metro Manila. Kuya Bayron is amazing, I can say, I think that he knew everything about Metro Manila and every place that we pass by. He tells us lots of things about the History, facts and vicinity. He is also hilarious, making it a lot fun during the travel. Some of my classmates are already tired and some we fell asleep inside the bus during the travel. Then we reached Quezon City, we took our lunch at Jade Valley located at Timog, Quezon City. The food there was very delicious. After taking lunch, we visited Social Security System located at East Avenue, Quezon City. This was our first company visit since the expected visitation on the company Flour Daniel located at Alabang, Muntinlupa was cancelled due to some unwanted circumstances.

After, we went to SSS (Social Security System) at East Avenue, Quezon City. It is a social insurance program for workers here in the country. It is a government agency that provides retirement and health benefits to all enrolled employees in the agency. Members can also make different kinds of loans like, salary or calamity loan. It is also an assurance for social distress or a contingency for sickness, child birth, disability, retirement and death. Though Philippine National Government employees do not contribute to SSS rather they have their own system, the GSIS (Government Service Insurance System). The company was already expecting our arrival. When we arrived at about 2:00 pm in the afternoon, we attended the company’s orientation then, we had the company tour. During the visit, I’ve learned so many new things such as: how SSS do really works, its role in the government and society, and how it helps the Filipino citizens especially the employees. I learned so many things about the company’s history and some of their plans for the company and the members in it in the near future. The company started in the year 1970-1983 and was already centralized, means that the company’s data and transactions all over the country are centralized in a single place, they have what they called the main branch, where in the sub branches sends their data to the main branch. . Later, on the year 1983-1986 manual verification started and they partnered with Nestle and Meralco. Then, they used Oracles RDBMS and they decentralized their operations on the year1986-1992. Later, RA 8282 was implemented on the year 1997-2003 to strengthen the services of the company and to be able to start of a more interactive service allowing people to send texts to SSS and the implementation of SSS in the web to make online inquiries on the year 2003-2009. Now, SSS can communicate to its members nationwide more effectively. With its 134 branches all over the country and with the aid of the internet and networking technology, the company can now have better interaction and communication with the members and all the Filipino’s around the world. During the seminar I was able to realize how important SSS to all the employees here in the country and how it is nice and beneficial to be a member because of all the benefits it offers. They also introduced us the system they used for all the transactions happening in SSS. The system uses network technology to link all the branches to the main branch. It is nice to know that the government is open to use advance technologies for the improvement of their services to people all over the country. The seminar also included who are those people who can be covered by SSS. We’ve also learned their technical side and one of the speakers, Mr. Paulito Lerias, Junior Specialist of the IT Management Group, shared to us their network design and how they come up with their system, as well as how they manage it.  We were able to ask them how they solve problems such as viruses and hacks to their system, and the speaker was able to give us a very comprehensive answer. Their system and website has never been hacked before or even tried to.  I’ve also learned that they do back-ups from time to time for emergency purposes as well as for prevention of data loss. When there are new data to be stored, or new information, members, etc, they immediately do the back-up, otherwise, they stay put. They created their own network design and I believe their design is super complex and good because it has never been infected with malwares or viruses. 
I liked the company’s building because it is so clean. The inside of the building is also nice; there are many exhibits of the company’s history, profile and also some huge and beautiful paintings. I also liked the way they welcome us in their office and the people who accompanied us in the building tour are so nice and so welcoming. I liked the way they accepted us as guests in SSS and that they have provided us with the right information that we wanted and that we needed. They are also very eager in sharing their knowledge and answering our questions about the systems that the company uses and all of our technical questions about the company. The company was well prepared and that they’ve prepared for freebies to be given during questions and answer portion in the seminar to make things more fun and exciting.

Right after our company visit at SSS, we went to SM Mall of Asia to shop or explore the mall. While we’re on our way, Kuya Bayron educated us with so many trivia and information. There were so many people inside the mall, and I think one day was not enough to tour around the MOA because it was really big. I was my first time to be at the MOA.  The Mall was really huge and nice indeed. We stroll inside the premise of MOA for a while. But most of us are really tired and are now hungry; we just went back to the meeting place and found ourselves some seats to relax on. I appreciated the modern mall, it was really nice. After, the malling we had our dinner at Balanghay restaurant, Seaside, Macapagal Blvd. We enjoyed our delicious dinner. After our dinner, we proceeded to our hotel.
Finally, when we arrived at Kabayan Hotel, I felt relieved, relieved of my tiredness, at last we can now finally have our rest. We didn’t go straight to our rooms since we had a short meeting at the lobby given by our class president and our two faculties who were with us. Finally, our class president started giving us the keys for our rooms after we were told about our roommates at our designated rooms. We were one of the two groups that didn’t receive a key, because of some reservation problems. After a few minutes of waiting we finally took a hold of our room’s key. We were assigned at room 201. We were shocked when we opened our room; it was nice and spacious with 8 capsule beds in it, a lavatory and two bathrooms. We were having a sort of short moment of celebration; our room is different from the others because according to our president the hotel made a mistake on our room reservation, giving us capsule room instead of dormitory room. We were so lucky and we are laughing so hard. It was our first time staying in a hotel, we explored everything on our room, we were really excited about our capsules and the shower, and it was all really nice. I liked my bed, the fresh smell of the pillow and comforter. Staying in the hotel would probably worth it.
On the second day of our stay, we were scheduled to attend on a seminar the annual Y4iT (Youth for Information Technology) held at SMX Convention Center of SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City. After we had breakfast at the hotel, we traveled to the SMX Convention Center, which is just very near from the hotel that we are staying in. The seminar had a lot of participants; the SMX Convention Center was so huge. It is my first time to attend such a huge and prestigious event for IT people. The seminar’s aim is to inspire students like us and even professionals to imagine great things to be able to improve our society and to innovate to help the society. Y4IT is a three day event but we can only be there for a day, which is the first day only. There are also lots of professionals and big time people in attendance. I am really excited, seeing the venue, and the people in attendance of the event could really make you think, “This is huge, this seminar is serious, wow, it really is prestigious…” Lucky for me I was able to attend the event; it feels really great attending this event.  I learned some very important lessons in life. That I could really use for my future knowledge reference. These things are not technical, but rather psychological. These are important quotes and principles that I could really reflect so that I can have a better life.
These are the five sentences that really struck me when I heard this from one of the speakers during the event, namely Mr. Paul Rivera:
1.    There is no replacement for hard work.
2.    The friends you make today are the ones who will help you tomorrow
3.    Failure is part of life, get over it and keep moving forward.
4.    Entrepreneurs are risk takers; they see the invisible and do the impossible.
5.    Be inspired by something.
I have also figured out something while listening to the speakers, it popped into my mind that their ideas became their starting point before they became the people they are now. In other words their huge imagination made them successful by coming up with a big idea that could help the society or the community. In other words, I have learned that I shouldn’t limit my imagination and that I must work very hard so that it won’t just stay as an idea, but to become something very creative or innovative enough to help the society. They worked very hard and they never stopped even if they have failed, yet they struggled hard and pursue their dreams.  The Y4IT convention had taught me great values that could strengthen and improve me as a person and for me that is very great and I was very pleased that I was able to learn those things from great people who had started as ordinary as I am. And on the evening, after the convention we went to Tutuban Shopping Center. On our way to Tutuban is one of the most unforgettable and annoying part of the trip I suppose. I would not forget this day because on our way to Tutuban, I was really holding myself to pee. I really wanna pee but we are still on the road on our way to Tutuban. It was really a pain holding my pee. The traffic condition was heavy and now, most of us are really wanted to pee. This was the most funny and the most stressful night to me because I really felt like dying, I really wanted to pee. And the worst of all was that my classmates were making funny things and jokes to us, making us laugh and it eventually making it harder to hold my pee. When we finally arrived at Tutuban, all of us who wanted to pee raced towards the nearest toilet room around the shopping center; we were really looking hilarious that evening. After that tragic moment in my life, we all went on our separate ways to shop and we were given an hour and a half to shop and have dinner. After we shopped at Tutuban, where stuffs are really so damn cheap, I and my companions bought our dinner at Jollibee, then we headed ourselves to the bus. Then, we headed to the hotel.
On the third day of our field trip and seminars we are scheduled to go on a seminar to PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company) in Mandaluyong City and IBM, Ayala Techno Hub in Commonwealth. After we had breakfast at the hotel again, we prepared ourselves and went to our first company visit for the day. In the morning at about 9:00am we went to PLDT Innolab or the Innovation Laboratory and Telecommunication Education Center of PLDT, but actually we arrived at the company’s premises 30 minutes early. Innolab was first created on the year 2003 where it is the focus of research and business solution of PLDT.  PLDT is the leading telecommunications provider here in the Philippines. . No Cell phones and cameras are allowed inside the company for security purposes, but we can have pictures for documentation with the courtesy of PLDT Innolab. Before we had our tour inside their company, we first had the short seminar all about PLDT, Innolab and the birth of PLDT, from where it started up to the day that they become one of the largest telecommunications Company in the Philippines.  After that we had our company tour, during the tour we were able to see the evolution of PLDT from its birth up to the age of transformation in the present. Ma’am Annie together with Sir Gino welcomed us in the company. After our short orientation, and a little tour of the gallery of the history of PLDT, Sir Gino toured us in their upstairs where we saw the projects, Offices and products of PLDT. He introduced us the Smart Home, the product that they are developing. They also introduced to us their Smart Tracker, a tracking device with GPS where you will be able to locate people with the use of their product but their actual target market is logistics companies, because this device could them help monitor their delivery vehicles if they delivered the goods at the right places and they can locate the truck delivering in real time. We were also given the chance to enter their board room and most of us were so amazed because of what we can see inside. It is like what we see in movies in where board members were able to see their employees from above through a glass wall. After our tour, we went back to the room where we listened to the short discussion from Engr. Edmund Mamboyo, Lead Training Officer at PLDT.  He gave us a short talk about the Basics of Communication and how PLDT made it big in the business. I learned that PLDT struggled hard in the past, which the company almost shut down. I learned from the seminar that you must adapt changes in order to survive, this was the thing done by PLDT in order to survive. PLDT adapted to the technology of SMART Telecommunications Company in order to atill make it up in the market, because their products are out of date, which is why they adapted and combined their old product from SMART products. That was a very clever move indeed. That is why now, they’re grossing even bigger in the market and they told us that they aim to use fiber optic around the country to further expand and upgrade the lines in the country. They also imparted to us the history of their company from the time it was built until the time it was destroyed and then by the time it was able to stand up again and continued their service to the present. The discussion doesn’t only limit to the PLDT’s history but also they gave us the opportunity to know how their Innolab worked. We also learned so many from PLDT on how their company technically works, especially in the question and answer portion on the discussion.
In the afternoon, we went to IBM, Ayala techno hub in Commonwealth. When we arrived at about 2:00pm, we have attended a short orientation conducted by Mr.Alexis Pantola, the technical manager of IBM. In our 2nd company visit, at the IBM, Ayala techno hub wehere our speaker was Mr. Alexis V. Pantola the Technical Manager in IBM Innovation Center. He educated us a lot about networking, network technologies and the data base management processes they use. It was really nice, exciting and very educating we can all relate because we have a database subject.  Also, Smarter Analytics reveals patterns within data that enable individuals and organizations to make the right decisions at the right time.
He had talked about the company, the systems, processes that the company uses. Then, we were divided into three groups. The three groups will tour the techno hub one group at a time; we can’t go all together because the place can’t accommodate all of us if we go tour together. While the first group went on the tour, the remaining group was told to stay in a room prepared by the company; there we watched a video presentation. During the tour they showed their personal techno hub which caters the schools they had partnerships and also the companies. After visiting the two companies, and learning new things. Our next destination was SM Tri Noma. Some of us didn’t go to tour around Tri Noma instead they just stayed in the bus and took the chance of being able to use the karaoke while inside the bus. But I and my friends decided to go shopping. After an hour of shopping we headed back to the bus when suddenly the rain poured heavily. We were able to get on the bus before the rain has started to get heavier, though we were somehow wet. Also, I was envied by the fact that one of my classmates was able to win a cellphone at Timezone while playing there. He was so lucky for being able to win a cellphone. Then, we had our dinner at Tramway, after eating we headed back to the hotel. It was a very nice day though the weather wasn’t that nice. It was a very informative and exciting day for all of us, it was really worth it.

On the fourth day, we went on seminar to TOSHIBA Information Equipment (Phil.) Inc. located at Canlubang, Laguna where we were able to tour around their company and the factory itself. There you can find how they manufacture their products such as HDDs and SSDs. There we met some of our schoolmates from USEP who already worked in the company. But before we could enter the building we were told to change our shoes that the company had prepared for us, we were already briefed about this so, we are prepared for this. After which, we entered the room that was prepared wherein they’ll conduct a short orientation and after the orientation we were given uniforms to be used so to be used in the tour. Mr. Emir Ramos the General Manager was the one who welcomed us and gave us an orientation about their company. During the tour I learned that “Toshiba” was derived from “Tokyo Shibaura” that’s why it’s now called Toshiba. It felt so nice wearing those uniforms; we almost looked like employees in the company. I learned that discipline, orderliness, cleanliness and time management are important factors when it comes to work. It was only in the Toshiba Company that I’ve heard about the 5 S methodology: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. The speaker of the Toshiba Company told us that it was the principle of their company. It means to describe how to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items, and sustaining the new order. The employees in TOSHIBA are very well disciplined that whenever we passed by they always greet us with a smile and they are also very energetic making it more fun and interactive in our tour. They divided us into two different groups, during the tour, the company’s employees who were also once our schoolmates were the ones that educated us. The company’s building is very huge and it was so amazing because they use robots in manufacturing. While on tour, we can also ask some questions, thus making it very educational and very exciting. After the tour, we returned to the room and had the snacks prepared by the company for us. While we are eating the employees who were once our schoolmates shared their stories and experiences in the company. It was so cool that it made me think that someday I want to be in that company.
After the visit we had a chance to to Tagaytay for lunch at Max’s. The food was nice and the view was a lot nicer. We were able to take pictures while having Taal Lake as our background. It was not my first time going to Tagaytay, but the trip was a lot fun and memorable with my friends and classmates.There we bought some souvenirs and I bought some “espasol”, which I really liked, because it was very delicious for me. After Tagaytay, we also did go to Enchanted Kingdom. It was my first time going to Enchanted Kingdom. I and my classmates decided to try all rides. We decided to try first all extreme rides, so we decided to first try space shuttle. It was terrific, it was really extreme, and then we tried all the other extreme rides. But, for us, space shuttle is the best we were able to ride it thrice. We also rode the RIO GRANDE, unfortunately it made us all wet, and we were not expecting it to be that extreme. We ended up wet—but completely satisfied, luckily we have our extra clothes so, we change our clothes after then we headed for the destination of our dinner at Taste Asia.
On the last day of our stay in Manila we were both happy and sad. But everything was worth it. I can assure that we achieved our purpose in coming there. Our final company visit was in the MMDA (Metropolitan Manila Development Authority)Traffic Engineering in Mandaluyong City. The MMDA is responsible in performing the planning, monitoring and coordinative functions, in the delivery of metro-wide services within Metro Manila without diminution of the autonomy of the local government units concerning purely local matters. We have listened to the speakers who presented their monitoring devices for the different roads, pumping stations and weather their strategies on how they help and coordinate with other government agencies and organizations in times in times of accidents, disasters or calamities. I learned that the MMDA monitors the roads and highways of Metro Manila 24/7.  I learned that MMDA monitors the traffic in metro Manila and make strategic plans on how they lessen the traffic congestion. Also, MMDA doesn’t only focuses on the traffic situations of the main roads in Manila, but they are also the ones that make the strategic plans in case of emergencies or in case of typhoons and any other calamities and the dissemination of information to the public. They are the ones who collaborate with different government agencies that take actions in times that people need them.  I also learned that they have cameras that can turn 360 degrees enabling a more flexible way of monitoring the streets and that can zoom subjects 24 times thus allowing them to identify plate numbers during road traffic violation and accidents. They also store all the video files and have back-ups for the recording of the accidents that happened in the past. They also showed us some nerve wracking videos of accidents that happened on the roads caught by their cameras. There was also a discussion on how to be prepared in earthquakes and a little interactive activity in the Shake, Rattle and Learn House, where they let us experience and evaluate the earthquakes. The discussion with the MMDA was fun and interactive. Even in our last stay in Manila we had a lot of fun and learning.  After the visitation we headed straight to the airport, we had are lunch at the airport and waited for our departure on the remaining hours.
After the major trip, I really am very much grateful to the learning I have acquired from the visits. If not for the major trip, I will not be able to experience those things that I have experienced. We actually get to have fun while learning. It made learning more enjoyable than ever. That is why I would say that the opportunity that was given to us is really very helpful since we get to expound our knowledge and at the very least we were able to follow the trends of technology in line with information and communication technology. What I have experienced in this trip isn’t just fun but these experiences are worthwhile. Also, what I learned in the trip isn’t limited to academics but also some important principles and values I needed in my life. I’ve also learned that opportunities can open anywhere and there is a big chance for each of us to be able to achieve our dreams.
The minor trip was then prepared by the FTS officers. Almost two weeks after the major trip, the minor trip took place. We visited PSSCC or Public Safety and Security Command Center which is just located at Davao City. I was amazed with the establishment’s facilities. It was my first time going there. The building is nice. The computers, the conference room and the room where we saw all the video footage of the different cameras in the city was really so amazing and exciting. We had a tour at the building, and while having tour they feed us with the knowledge about everything we see inside and on how do they really do things there. During the tour we asked so many questions because the tour awakened our curiosity. I learned a lot of amazing things about their agency; I was able to compare it to its identical agency at Metro Manila which is the MMDA. I learned about how they manage all the data that are coming from all of the cameras that they have installed in the selected areas in the city. They have informed us on how they take actions from the concerns and the reports that are coming from the different local government agencies like PNP, 911. Also, they have partnered with IBM and, IBM supported PSSCC by donating computer devices and Cameras and everything PSSCC needed in improving their quality of service. I just also learned that there only 3 countries that has 911 and I am proud to say that Davao is one of them. I also learned that the PSSCC uses unified edge technology, where they centralize their communication. The unified edge is the line where the different government agencies are connected and are able to communicate at the same time to be able to respond to any problems that might quickly. In this way, dissemination of information is a lot faster and is more transparent. The PSSCC also use high-tech cameras like what we saw at the MMDA on our Major Field trip. This camera also, monitors specific crowded areas and are used to catch traffic violators. They have approximately 50TB for the storage of data up to 6 months, where 36TB is allotted for IOC and the 12TB is allotted for TOC. And after 6 months, all the data that is stored will be deleted. But they only choose those recordings that are important to remain in the storage device so that it can be used for future references like, for evidences. We were really all amazed by PSSCC. We only visited PSSCC in the morning and the visitation ended at about 11:00 am.
Overall speaking, having the field trip and seminars subject was very great for us students, it made us learn new very useful things from a different perspective. This field trip and seminars gave me a lot of knowledge from the activities we had and from the places and companies we went and also from the companies that gave us and shared to us all they had to make their company successful. I am so happy and joyful because I once visited these big companies. I am very much thankful of the knowledge and the experiences I have gained from the subject.